Search our catalog for plugins to increase your business

Image to Text
Image to text can analyze and contextualize an image to provide a textual description of what is in the visual content.

SMS Sender
SMS Sender enables bulk or timely SMS sending through a simple or complex automation system, as needed.

MQTT Connection
MQTT Connection enables you to harness the power of IoT in business and customer experience automations and processes through secure and guaranteed protocols.

Live weather
Live Weather can provide you with real-time comprehensive weather information for any location, enabling your automations to react according to the weather conditions at the place of interest.

Voice to text
Voice to text is able to listen, understand and transcribe a voice message or audio type file, providing a written text of speech. It uses Google's API.

Voice to text (Google API)
Voice to text is able to listen, understand and transcribe a voice message or audio type file, providing a written text of speech. It uses Google's API.

Chat GPT 4
Chat GPT 4 leverages the ChatGPT API and enables you to send a prompt or question, from any touchpoint, to receive an intelligent response in real time. It leverages the OpenAI GPT-4 API.

Chat GPT 3.5
Chat GPT 3.5 leverages the ChatGPT API and enables you to send a prompt or question, from any touchpoint, to receive an intelligent response in real time. Leverages the OpenAI GPT-3.5 Default API.

Calendar connection (Google Calendar API)
Calendar connection allows you to tie your automation processes and customer experience flows to one or more Google calendars (via Google API) to automatically and intelligently suggest and make appointments.

Face Biometric Recognition
Face Biometric Recognition enables you to recognize the face of your customers in order to enhance the customer experience of interacting with your touchpoints.

Voice Biometric Recognition
Voice Biometric Recognition enables you to recognize the voice of your customers in order to enhance the customer experience of interacting with your touchpoints.

Sentiment Analysis (Stip API)
Sentiment Analysis leverages the Stip service API to read, analyze and understand texts or written dialogues, providing timely data on the positive or negative emotional value of the dialogue.

Prompt to image (Midjourney API)
Promt to Image leverages the Midjourney API to generate real-time images via a textual promt that can also be provided via other plugins.

Prompt to image (Dall-E API)
Promt to Image leverages the Dall-E API to generate real-time images via a textual promt that can also be provided via other plugins.

Avatar 3D (Ready Player Me API)
Avatar 3D by Ready Player Me, allows you to automatically generate virtual avatars that are perfectly manageable in AR, VR and animated video, static or dynamic situations.

Skyline Webcams
Skyline Webcams allows access to the APIs of the eponymous service, which provides real-time, unfiltered videos of places of interest and monuments around the world.

Text to Voice (Google API)
Text to voice leverages Google's APIs to convert written text into a recorded audio that simulates human speech.

OTP is a plugin that enables you to implement a simple and secure system for your users' access, thanks to two-factor authentication via an alphanumeric code sent via SMS.

People counter (Google API)
People counter enables you to identify and count people present in a live or recorded video. It uses Google's APIs.

Dispatcher Model
This plugin is designed to handle user requests. When a user asks a question, it tries to infer what answer the user is expecting. Based on this inference, it initiates a procedure that calls the appropriate function to fulfill the request. These functions can provide a simple response, make an API call to external services, or activate other plugins available in our Library.